What you should know

  • Duration

    All classes are 30 minutes long.

  • Language

    All classes are taught both in french and in english to accomodate all our subscribers.

  • Fitness Props

    You will need a mat, a foam roller, a resistance band, a loop band, and sliders
    (option to tie your flex band to form a loop)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Votre programme / Your program

    • Welcome! / Bienvenue!

    • Day 1 / Jour 1

    • Day 2 / Jour 2

    • Day 3 / Jour 3

    • Day 4 / Jour 4

    • Day 5 / Jour 5

Meet your awesome instructors!

Co-founder and Pilates & Barre Instructor

Geneviève Bolla

Born in Montreal, Geneviève started dancing at a very young age. She completed her training at l'École Supérieure de Ballet du Québec, and at 17 years old joined the Jeune Ballet du Québec. She then went on to dance professionally for Mandala Situ, Cas Public, Manon fait de la danse, and Dave St-Pierre, with whom she performed locally in Quebec and internationally.

It was after teaching at numerous studios around Montreal that she decided to open Studio set with her business partner, Miriah Brennan. Her experience in dance and Pilates has provided her the insight to be able to help clients reach their goals, while respecting their physical and personal limits, find harmony and balance within the body, and improve posture.

Co-founder and Pilates & Barre Instructor

Miriah Brennan

Miriah is a professional contemporary dancer, rehearsal director, creator, and teacher based out of Montreal. Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she started dancing at the age of three at Halifax Dance, where she completed the Russian ballet syllabus. At the age of 15, Miriah completed her teacher training and, at the same time, was first introduced to Pilates.

Miriah then went on to take many training courses such as her STOTT PILATES certification, BootyBarre certification, and many Eric Franklin workshops. Miriah has taught at numerous studios and gyms around Montreal. She is dedicated to helping clients obtain their goals and finds it exciting to watch changes happen in their bodies, either in terms of structural alignment or musculature. She is a co-owner of Studio Set.

Pilates Instructor

Isabelle Arcand

Isabelle is a trained professional dancer. She mainly dances for choreographer Virginie Brunelle with whom she has been performing her work in national and international theaters since 2009. She discovered Pilates in her dancers' career, which quickly became a tool for her everyday training, continuing education and rehabilitation after an injury. It is the Pilates wide range of benefits that interested her the most and which led her to teach the method. Isabelle believes that everybody can benefit from an intelligent and personally tailored type of practice. That is why her classes are very detailed, efficient, thought through and encourage self respect and fun. --- Isabelle a une formation professionnelle en danse. Elle danse principalement pour la chorégraphe Virginie Brunelle. Depuis 2009, leurs collaborations ont été présentées dans de nombreux théâtres nationaux et internationaux. Elle a découvert le Pilates par le biais de sa carrière de danseuse, cette pratique est rapidement devenue pour elle un outil d'entraînement quotidien, de formation continue et de rééducation après une blessure. C'est le large éventail de bienfaits du Pilates qui l'a le plus intéressée et qui l'a amenée à l'enseigner. Isabelle est convaincue que chacun peut bénéficier d'une pratique intelligente et personnalisée. C'est pourquoi ses cours sont détaillés, efficaces, réfléchis et encouragent le respect de soi et le plaisir.

Pilates Instructor

Allyson Manta

Allyson Manta is trained in the Polestar Pilates method, based in Miami, USA. She discovered Pilates with its introduction into Cirque du Soleil, when she was working as a choreographer and artistic director for this international company. Her life as a dancer always infuses her classes with organic, graceful combinations, and classical sequences. With over thirty years of teaching movement, dance, Pilates and yoga to athletes, actors and dancers, her experience is felt in her sensitive and in-depth knowledge of the body. A love of fitness and spiritual wellness guides her personal practice as well as her teaching.